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Lesson 1

Recognizing negative emotions and breathing to calm the mind


Both kids and adults get angry sometimes. Tell me about a time when you were angry.
What did it feel like in your body when you were angry?
What did it feel like in your mind when you were angry?
We are going to watch a video about some children who will tell us what it's like when they feel angry.


"Just Breathe"


How did the children in the video feel in their bodies and minds when they were angry?
What did they do to help calm their minds so they could think clearly again?


For this activity, you need a glitter jar for demonstration. You can have kids make their own or make one yourself using these instructions. Or, if you don't want to make your own glitter jar, you can use this video.

Say: When I get angry or upset, my mind usually feels like this (shake jar). My thoughts race around in my head, and it’s hard to think clearly. When I take deep breaths, it helps my mind to settle, so I can think clearly again. Let’s practice. Think about something that makes you angry. Tighten your muscles, clench your fists, and clench your jaw. Shake up your jar really hard. Now, take some deep breaths, in and out. Watch the glitter settle. Let your muscles relax.

Wrap up:

Ask: How did it feel when you took deep breaths?
Say: Next time you are angry or upset, notice what's happening in your body. Take some deep breaths and think of the glitter in your mind falling, so you can think clearly to solve your problem.
Optional: Put some glitter jars in an area where children can access them when they need to calm down. Teach children what to do and how to ask when they would like to use these jars.