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Lesson 3

The Kindness Boomerang


When someone is kind to you, how does that make you feel?
When someone is kind to you, does that make it easier or harder for you to be kind to someone else? Why?

Show video of domino train falling
Say: When you are kind to someone, it can be like pushing the first domino on a domino train. It can make it easier for that person to be kind to someone else, and for that next person to be kind to someone else!

Show video of a boomerang throw
Say: When you start a domino train of kindness, it can be like throwing a boomerang. When you give kindness, you get back the good feeling that you helped someone else. Someday, you might even receive back an act of kindness from someone else!

Say: We are going to watch a video about a person who starts a domino train of kindness. Like a boomerang, the kindness comes back to him in the end!


"Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang"


What were some of the acts of kindness people did for each other in the video?
What are some ideas of acts of kindness we could do for the people around us?


Start a domino train of kindness!

Large group: Brainstorm a list of ideas for showing kindness to each other. Designate an object (could be a stuffed animal, fake flower, colorful ball, etc.) to be your kindness token. A child will perform an act of kindness for someone else and give him or her the kindness token. Now that child is "it," and gets to think of an act of kindness for someone else. Continue until everyone has participated.

Small group/individual: Brainstorm ways to show kindness within your family, organization, or community. Choose one or two to put into practice. Include a note for recipients of the kindness, inviting them to continue the chain of kindness by showing kindness to someone else.

Wrap up:

Remember that kindness can be like a boomerang. When we give, we can get back good feelings from knowing that we helped someone. Someday, we might also receive back kindness from someone else.