Lesson 2
Being a "Bucket Filler"
Use the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? to introduce the concept of "invisible buckets," or use the following introduction:
Say: Each of us has an invisible bucket. Things can happen to fill our buckets or to empty our buckets. When our buckets are full, we feel good, and we can be our best selves. When our buckets are empty, we feel bad. We can't be our best selves. We can do or say things that help fill our buckets and other people's buckets. We can also make choices that empty our buckets or other people's buckets.
Ask: What kinds of things can we do or say to empty other people's buckets?
What kinds of things can we do or say to fill other people's buckets?
What about our own buckets?
Say: We are going to watch a video about a boy who learns about "invisible buckets."
What were some of the things that emptied Felix's bucket?
How did Felix feel when his bucket was empty?
What were some of the things that filled Felix's bucket?
How did Felix feel when his bucket was full?
Use the coloring page in the resources for this lesson to complete this activity.
Say: What are some things that drain your bucket or other people's buckets? Write or draw pictures
of those things on the drops, then glue them to the tipping bucket.
What are some things that fill your bucket or other people's buckets? Write or draw pictures of
those things on the hearts, then glue them to the standing bucket.
Say: Let's pick a shoe together and talk about what it's life might be like. (Choose a shoe together.)
What might the shoe's name be?
What might the shoe do when it wakes up?
Where might the shoe go every day?
What might the shoe like about being a shoe?
What might the shoe not like about being a shoe?
Continue asking as many questions as needed. If necessary, show examples of student work or complete a story together. Then, each child can write his or her own story about a different shoe.
Wrap up:
This week, try to notice when your bucket is feeling close to empty. Do something to fill your own bucket, or tell an adult who can help you. When your bucket is feeling full, do something kind to help fill someone else's bucket!