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Lesson 2

Don't Flip Yo' Lid


You have learned about the hand model of your brain. Show me how your hand can represent your brain. (Demonstrate.)
What does the thumb and wrist part represent?
Yes, that's our downstairs brain. It wants to keep us safe.
What do the fingers represent?
Yes, that's our upstairs brain. It helps us to think clearly to solve problems.
What happens when we get angry or scared or upset and our downstairs brain takes over?
Yes, we flip our lids. We might yell or fight or freeze up. We can't think clearly to solve our problems.
What can we do to make sure we don't flip our lids when it won't help us?
We can use our words. We can say "I'm about to flip my lid. I feel or I need.
This song can remind us about what we've learned:


"JusTme - D.F.Y.L (Don't Flip Yo' Lid)"


How did the children in the video feel in their bodies and minds when they were angry?
What did they do to help calm their minds so they could think clearly again?


Together or in small groups, come up with motions to the song "Don't Flip Yo' Lid." This can be for the full song or just for the chorus. As children practice the motions, they learn the lyrics better. Here is an example by Glenview Elementary in Madison, Wisconsin.

Wrap up:

Say: Next time you are about to flip your lid, remember this song. Take some deep breaths. Try using your words. Say "I'm about to flip my lid," and tell an adult what you need.